Tuesday, 27 February 2007



MK: This little baby girl is the latest addition to the Kotsopoulos family. Her name is "Nala Shani" and she is part Ethiopian Wolf although she was born in Rwanda. She came into this world around the 15th of January 2007. She is absolutely adorable, even if she cries, whines, howls, and pees a lot!! Any tips on training or raising a puppy would be much appreciated.

For initial photos, please visit my Picasa Web Albums. To see Nala Shani's mother (Shiba) and her siblings, please visit Jared's Flickr set.

1 comment:

  1. Wait....who got the wolf? Is this a european wolf? Yes I know it is from Africa but has it made the trip to the frozen tundra (aka Belgium?). Glad to see that you two are expanding
