M&J: No blog updates from Melanie or John? Preposterous!! But alas, true. I am sure you have all been, err, suffering. We have been busy with little time to write (OK, perhaps we have been shockingly lazy). Melanie graduated and is now working at the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO). John completed a bugger of a paper for work. So, our life seems to be what you might call normal ..... we shall see how long that lasts!! Draft blog updates have been written, including tales from the top secret visit of "MCR".

If you are so bored why don't you come and visit Leuven. The town hasn't changed much since last year but Leuven in Scene is coming up quickly. I want some pictures of Finland
Write up about John's short trip to Helsinki is coming soon (draft has already been started). if you want to see pics, check out our sets on Flickr!!