Here are some "primal" (sorry) memories from our trip:
At the Samburu National Reserve, camp site refuse was tossed into a large pit and subsequently burned. This may not sound terribly interesting (nor terribly eco-friendly), but the scenes that ensued were. In fact, we felt like we had stumbled onto the set of Space Odyssey 2001: a small platoon of baboons -- from geezers to young'uns -- had circled around the fire, greedily grabbing whatever they could salvage, and bellowing out shrieks and cries every time the hot flames surprised them. Talk about an absence of Pavlovian instinct.
At the same park, we witnessed a young vervet monkey getting a "right lickin'" from his dad for horsing around too much. As a Canadian, John thought about giving the dad a lecture on the futility of corporal punishment, but eventually decided against it.
John also exchanged some words with a few sneaky monkeys in Masai Mara, who not only had the audacity to break into our tent and steal our peanuts and popcorn, but were cocky enough to discard the empty popcorn bag on our tent floor. Bah!
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