Third Voluntary Replenishment Meeting
2010 marks the Third Voluntary Replenishment Process. The replenishment process is critical not only to the future of the Global Fund, but also to many millions of people affected and infected by HIV, TB and Malaria around the world and whom depend on it for life-saving treatment, commodities, support, and services. The replenishment is not just about money.
The Third Voluntary Replenishment Meeting will be held in New York, from 4th to 5th October 2010. International leaders, governments and donors will come together to ‘pledge‘ their financial commitments to the Global Fund for the coming three years. The replenishment must raise at least USD$20 billion if the extraordinary gains made by the Global Fund over the past decade are to be sustained and accelerated. While many may argue that USD$20 billion is a huge sum in these ‘resource constrained’ times, it is a reasonable investment which will continue to pay substantial dividends over many years, when compared to the USD$700 billion deployed overnight to bail out Wall Street banks during the financial meltdown.
Contributing to the success of the Global Fund is its commitment to the core principles of demand-driven, country-owned responses. Some international donors have pre-empted the outcome of the Third Voluntary Replenishment, and have begun calling for caps on the amount of funding to be made available for each round. This would be a disastrous consequence, going against the very basic foundation of which the Global Fund was established upon, and would leave countries and communities without the resources identified as necessary to effectively respond to HIV, TB and Malaria.
In signing the letter, we demonstrate our support for the Global Fund and demand that governments commit to the health of communities across the world by increasing their financial contribution to the Global Fund and raising the USD$20 billion at the Third Voluntary Replenishment.
We need 500,000 signatures by Thursday 30th September 2010!
Please sign here