Tuesday, 20 September 2011
In Belgium, Potato Fans Fret Over Fate of Frites
Monday, 19 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
Join the fight to save lives

To overcome AIDS, malaria, and TB, the United States joined nations from around the world to develop the Global Fund, an innovative approach to global health. Formed in 2002, the Global Fund unites dedicated citizens, scientific innovators, and visionary governments together with commitment and resources in a common mission: winning the war against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
The Global Fund has saved more than 7.7 million lives by funding treatment and preventative care programs across the planet. But these programs are at risk. By adding your signature, you join Annie Lennox, Morgan Freeman and others calling for a stronger, healthier world. Co-sign the letter of support today.
The strategy works. It's already helped save more than 6.5 million lives. This year, Global Fund-supported programs will help save over a million lives.
In only a few years, no child will be born with HIV. Hundreds of thousands of children will no longer die from malaria. Deaths due to tuberculosis will be cut in half.
But in a war against disease, we must remain vigilant. There is still much work to be done.
Join the fight to save lives.
We simply cannot win the war against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria without the vocal support of millions of people throughout the world. Please, show your support for the Global Fund.
David Kato Vision & Voice Award Launched
Thursday, 24 February 2011
A collection of feelings...
My Angel Baby
To the baby that I carried
But never seen your eyes
Or tell you how much I loved you
Or ever to hear your cries.
You will never be forgotten
The excitement we had for your coming.
When I realized I'd never hold you,
The feeling I had was numbing.
My angel baby is who you are.
My angel baby you'll always be.
Your loving memory will live in my heart
So you will always be right here with me.
(c) Lori Jager All Rights Reserved
A Part Of Me
As I sit and remember
When you were still a part of me
I try to forget...
Your life was never meant to be.
You were given a life, a soul, a name
But now things will never be the same.
You were mine to give life to
Though only for a while
Things had changed...
I will never see your smile.
Yet my love for you
Will never disappear
Though your voice, your laugh,
I will never get to hear.
You will always be my baby
Though I've never seen your face.
Not a thing in this world
Can ever take your place.
(c) Felicia Glik All Rights Reserved
They Say Love is Blind
They say love is blind and you made this true.
I never got to place you in a outfit either pink or blue.
Never rocked you in my arms as you quietly slept.
Not one tear did i get to dry as you sadly wept.
I loved you none the less with all of my heart.
My world crashing down when we were torn apart.
I dream of you wrapped in a blanket of a white angel wing.
The lullaby you hear is the comfort I wanted to bring.
I still hold you everyday the only way i know how.
God doesn't take my love for you this much he does allow.
It is as stong as it would have been if I would have seen you.
After my journey in life is done I will carry my love through.
It will carry me straight to you, you will never be hard to find.
We will be together and I will hold the love that was blind.
Looking into eyes that are mine that show a soul I made.
I will place you upon my chest where you always should have laid.
They say love is blind and you made this come true.
I will place you in an outfit either pink or blue.
I will rock you in my arms as you quietly sleep.
I will dry your tears as you happily weep.
© Christine R. Sinkel
I Did Not Expect This
This is natural, they say
It is all for the best
I cannot move past this heartache
This pain in my chest
Those days were surreal
Did this truly just occur
Happiness turned to sorrow
My life now a blur
This is natural, they say
I knew I was going to lose you
The most difficult emotion
There was nothing I could do
I am given no explanation
This is natural, they say
Were you pink or were you blue
My complexion is now grey
Trying to move on
A forward step everyday
I will always remember you
This is natural, they say
© Carola
Angel of my Tears
How do you love a person
who never got to be,
or try to envision a face
you never got to see?
How do you mourn the death of one
who never got to live.
When there's nothing to feel good about
and nothing to forgive?
I love you, my little baby,
my companion of the night.
Wandering through my lonely hours,
beautiful and bright.
What does it mean to die before
you ever were born,
to live the lovely night of life
and never see the dawn?
Ah! My little baby,
you lived like anyone!
Life's a burst of joy and pain.
And then like yours, it's done.
I love you, my little baby,
just as if you'd lived for years.
No more, no less, I think of you,
the Angel of my tears.
- Author Unknown
Piece of my Heart
How was it to be that I now am robbed of such joy?
Of watching you grow or finding out if you’re a girl or boy.
Never did I get to hear your cries or even see your tears,
Or kiss your little brow and hug away your fears.
I am just left here now with pain and few memories,
Of the days that were happy with you inside of me.
For you were loved and wanted oh so much,
What I would give just to have felt your touch.
The hours crawl by yet the time does not seem to slow,
I want to scream out to the world you are gone, why don’t they know?
How is the world still turning when I feel it should have stopped?
Why are people laughing and living when it feels like I can not?
Not enough tears can be shed to express the love we have for you,
No words can describe what we all wanted to be able to do.
I would have just held you and breathed in your sweet smell,
Shouted with joy and phoned all the people we wanted to tell.
But this time we called loved ones with the sad sad news,
That too little were you to live among us and we were meant to lose.
But nothing will ever erase those twelve weeks we had together,
For a piece of my heart you now hold always and forever.
© Kerri-Anne Hinds